The Reasons Why Drivers Crash


There are many reasons why drivers crash. Anything can happen if you are not paying attention to the road or you are feeling unwell so your reactions are impaired. As I continue on to become a better client centred driving instructor I find myself discussing these issues more and more often with my pupils so let's have a look at the top ten reasons why drivers crash.

At number one we have driver failed to look properly. This can happen if you are distracted or simply driving along daydreaming. It's important you are alert and scanning the road ahead for potential hazards as well as checking the mirrors regularly. If you feel like you are drifting off into dreamworld then simply say out loud what you see. It could be cars, signs or anything at all as long as it keeps you in the here and now.

The second reason is Driver failed to judge other person's path or speed. This one ties in with not looking properly. It can happen easily with cyclists and motorcyclists as they are smaller in the visual field so it's more difficult to judge their speed. Expectations also play a big part. You may expect the other car to be travelling at a certain speed but if they are breaking the speed limit they could arrive earlier than you think.

In at three, we have Driver was reckless or in a hurry. It's always best to plan your journey and leave plenty of time in case there are any delays. If you leave no time margin you can end up feeling pressured to make up time which can lead to hasty and poor decisions. This is especially true when it comes to beating the traffic lights or driving round bends too quickly causing a skid.

Poor turn or manoeuvre sits at number four. This usually fits in with rushing to get to your destination. If you took a wrong turn you may be tempted to quickly turn the car around any way you can. This is where cyclists turn up in the blindspot without you noticing them or you strike the kerb and damage your tyre. You may not give enough clearance to parked cars and cause some damage.

Number five is loss of control. Normally this occurs when driving at excessive speed and remember – it's never the weather's fault. If it's wet or icy you will need to slow down as your tyres won't have as much grip so it will be much easier to skid. When you first get in the car make sure you have a good seating position so you can reach all the pedals and steer correctly. Moving off will be jerky and you may not be able to brake if you are too near or too far from the pedals. Make sure you can easily turn the wheel and use all the controls. For number six we have pedestrian failed to look properly. This one is becoming all too common now people walk around staring at their phones all the time. Always check that the road is clear before you cross. That's what the Green Cross Code man told me when I was a boy.

Slippery road is our seventh reason for a crash. Make sure to take extra care in the rain especially if it's icy. This reason ties in nicely with number eight which is sudden braking. Stamping on the brakes on an icy road is a surefire way to cause a skid and lose control. Plan ahead so you can brake smoothly and safely. The worse the conditions the slower you should be. This is good advice because reason number nine is driving too fast for the conditions. See how they link together? That's what it's like in driving. If you're too fast you have less time to react plus the car won't handle properly because of the road surface and the bingo. There's your crash.

Last but not least at number ten is following too closely. How many times have you checked your mirrors to see someone following too closely? I don't mind admitting it makes me feel nervous. I've been run into the back off a few times. Make sure you maintain a two second gap between you and the car in front. This will give you plenty of time to respond and you won't go running into them. So there are the top ten reasons why people crash. I explore these things whilst doing client-centred driving lessons Nottingham area. I try to make my pupils aware of these issues so they can pass their test and enjoy safe driving for life.


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