
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Reasons Why Drivers Crash

  There are many reasons why drivers crash. Anything can happen if you are not paying attention to the road or you are feeling unwell so your reactions are impaired. As I continue on to become a better client centred driving instructor I find myself discussing these issues more and more often with my pupils so let's have a look at the top ten reasons why drivers crash. At number one we have driver failed to look properly. This can happen if you are distracted or simply driving along daydreaming. It's important you are alert and scanning the road ahead for potential hazards as well as checking the mirrors regularly. If you feel like you are drifting off into dreamworld then simply say out loud what you see. It could be cars, signs or anything at all as long as it keeps you in the here and now. The second reason is Driver failed to judge other person's path or speed. This one ties in with not looking properly. It can happen easily with cyclists and motorcyclists as they are