
Showing posts from October, 2023
  Pitfalls of the GROW Model. It's a simple mantra. Goals, Reality. Options, Way Forward.  As I work to become more comfortable with Clent Centred Learning as opposed to the old ways of simply teaching people to drive I find this is the first challenge of any driving lesson. Setting the goals using the GROW model.  Client Centred Learning (CCL) relies on the fact that the pupil is highly intelligent and self-aware, has a great deal of enthusiasm for their driving lessons and takes time to consider their learning in between their weekly sessions. Unfortunately, I find this to rarely be the case. I find that goal setting is very instructor-led in my lessons. The CCL textbooks are full of highly fictitious conversations between instructor and pupil where the pupil has a lot of input and can recall exactly what the areas in need of improvement. what to aim for and how to get there. I find only a small percentage of pupils are able to engage with the instructor at this level. How can I